BMW of Grand Blanc

Dec 15, 2021

When Should Your BMW Wiper Blades Be Replaced?

Wiper blades, despite being affordable and simple to change, are sometimes disregarded when it comes to routine car maintenance. Wiper blades that are worn out can have a detrimental impact on your driving skills and general safety in bad weather. You may not know how worn your wiper blades have become as they fade over time. With that in mind, how can you know when your wiper blades need to be replaced?

Wiper blades should be replaced every 6 months as a general rule, especially in damp climates. Your wiper blades are not performing as effectively as they should if they leave any water, debris, or residue on the windshield as they swipe. It’s also time for a new pair if they’re wobbling or producing a screaming noise instead of quietly gliding across your windshield.

How to Change the Wiper Blades on a BMW

  1. Wiper blade replacement on your BMW is a simple procedure that can be done anywhere. Most of the time, the wiper arm base is tucked under the edge of the hood, making it difficult to raise it up and away from your car and change the blade. We recommend turning on your vehicle’s ignition and temporarily running your wipers to make the wiper blade replacement operation go more smoothly. Turn off your ignition as the blades sweep across your windshield, stopping them in mid-swipe. You should now be able to easily reach the wiper blades by pulling the wiper arms vertically away from your windshield.
  2. Locate and press or release a release tab or button where the arm meets the blade. You should now be able to remove the wiper blade away from the arm with a gentle pull. To keep the wiper blades attached, most wiper arms use a hook-shaped mechanism, but many contemporary vehicles use a simple adapter system.
  3. After removing the old wiper blade from the arm, just slide the new one on and listen for an audible click, or close the supplied release tab if necessary. You can now reinstall the wiper blade on the windshield and restart your engine, causing the wiper blade to return to its off position.

Grand Blanc BMW Wiper Blades for Sale

When it comes to replacing your BMW wiper blades, the most important thing to remember is to get the right size. The wiper blade on the driver’s side is usually longer than the wiper blade on the passenger side, and wiper blade sizes vary greatly from vehicle to vehicle. This is why BMW of Grand Blanc has a large assortment of wiper blades in store and ready to install for every BMW model. We carry a comprehensive selection of new wiper blades, batteries, and other items for your vehicle. Check out our BMW parts specials on a regular basis to see if there are any special offers on wiper blades or other services.

Our service and parts teams are pleased to help you replace your wiper blades if you need it. If it’s time for new wiper blades, it’s probably time for an oil change and general check-up by our BMW-approved service center. Schedule a service appointment today! Routine maintenance can extend the life of your BMW, so make an appointment today!