BMW of Grand Blanc

Dec 14, 2021

On the East Coast, particularly in Michigan, winter may be difficult. In the winter, your BMW can have more battery problems than in the summer. The battery may entirely die in some situations, leaving you with no choice except to go for a jump start. It’s inconvenient, but it occurs, and rather than hoping for the best, it’s better to understand why your BMW battery dies more easily in the cold, and what you can do about it, if anything.

Winter on the East Coast, particularly in Grand Blanc, Michigan, may be challenging. In the winter, your BMW may have more battery problems than in the summer. In certain situations, the battery may entirely die, leaving you with no choice but to go for a jump start. It’s inconvenient, but it occurs. Rather than hoping for the best, it’s better to understand why your BMW battery dies more easily in the cold and what, if anything, you can do about it.

In the Wintertime, BMW Batteries

The battery in your BMW spends the entire year battling the elements. Extreme heat or cold inside the car, particularly in the battery, accelerates the rate of discharge that occurs at high temperatures. Because of the twin threat of scorching summers and cold winters in Michigan, your BMW’s battery has to work considerably harder than usual.

Defending your BMW’s Battery from the Elements

Summer heat causes the water in the electrolyte to evaporate, increasing sulfation. As the season progresses, fall and winter arrive, making your vehicle’s job even more difficult. Extreme lows inside the battery slow chemical reactions, reducing the battery’s ability to operate at full power and potential by the time winter arrives.

Can my BMW battery be killed by the cold?

Most batteries have a lifespan of 4 to 8 years. A battery can fail completely in four years if it is exposed to a particularly terrible year of extreme low and high temperatures that push both seasons to their limits. While cold deteriorates the whole life expectancy of your battery, BMWs are built with high-quality parts, so while this is a rare occurrence for this type of vehicle, cold does deteriorate the total life expectancy of your battery.

How Can I Keep My BMW Warm in the Winter?

The simplest way to ensure that you are keeping track of your BMW’s battery is to have it examined first to determine its present condition. There’s no way of knowing what your battery has been through in terms of science while it confronts the elements in Michigan. Owners who want their batteries to last and thrive no matter what the weather is outside should take their BMW to The BMW Service Center in Grand Blanc. To ensure a stress-free winter, the specialists at BMW Service Center of Grand Blanc help you evaluate your battery’s status, give it a charge, and determine if it’s time to replace it.